Ever watched an Olympic swimmer about to dive of their bored and race to the finish line? Ever wondered how they get those slim, trim, broad, amazing bodies? The answer is simply just “swimming”, and yes I know they probably do a tonne of other exercises, but the foundation of those amazing bodies is just swimming. Yep that’s right and you could achieve the same results if you swim on a regular basis. Although maybe not the same level of cardiovascular fitness or the exact same muscle tone as an Olympic swimmer, but you too can have an amazing body much like the ones you see on T.V. Running is a very effective way to burn calories and achieve great muscle tone but there has always been the side effect of strain on the joints especially when running on hard surfaces. Swimming burns calories and gives you great muscle tone without the terrible strain on your joints. Swimming Increases stamina, Improves flexibility, Increases muscular strength, and can heal muscles in a fast and effective way. Swimming also strengthens your heart which prevents heart disease and leads to an overall better quality life.
So if you find yourself trying to gain or maintain a fantastic looking, strong body. Try incorporating some swimming exercises into your workouts because they will have benefits that will take your body to another level.
(image by http://www.homeswimmer.com/)