Monday, August 17, 2009


Physicians in the US recommend we spend a 3rd of our time snoozing for optimal health but not every ones the same. They say its all up to the individual even though an average adult should be getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night, some individuals can function normally on only 6 while others need at least 8 hours.
There's been many studies out there about sleep and how vital sleep is to the human body. Some studies have even proven that restless sleepers are most likely to eat fast food, you wanna know why? People who don't get a good nights rest simply don't feel like cooking healthy nutritious meals and are more likely to crave fatty fast foods.
But just as you restless sleepers think there's no cure to your sleepless nights, here's a few pointers that are sure to help you have that deep, refreshing good nights sleep that you deserve.

TAKE THE TV OUT OF THE BEDROOM: Studies show that the stimulating content and extra light can keep you awake long after you should be fast asleep. A bit like your mind acting hyperactive before deciding to sit down and relax.

EARLY MORNING WORKOUTS: Working out in the morning makes your body more likely to fall asleep allot easier and more peaceful, simply because it makes you more tired before bed so that you don't have all that extra energy when its time switch off for the day.

CUT THE CAFFEINE: No doubt about it and allot of you have probably heard this one before and I'm here to tell you again because it may be a big mistake when you got that early morning meeting to wake up to. Did you know the effects of caffeine can last up to 8 hours to wear off. So if your drinking a nice cup of coffee on your late afternoons while watching the 5:00 pm news i suggest you cut that habit and keep the caffeine for the morning you will sleep allot better i guarantee it.

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