Monday, September 28, 2009


Here's another recipe that will be a family favorite and will greatly accompany any weight loss regime.


1 chicken breast
1 tablespoon tandoori paste
200mls natural reduced-fat yogurt
10mls lemon juice
30ml lemon grass oil
Pinch of sea salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon cardamom seeds
1/4 bunch of coriander, leaves removed
300g mixed salad leaves
Mini Roma tomatoes,
halved 1 x fresh mango sliced Black cumin seeds
Whole meal flat bread to serve

For The Chicken:
1. Cut the chicken breast into 1cm thick strips and put in a bowl.

2. Combine the tandoori paste with the yogurt and rub the chicken with the mixture. Allow to marinade for 1 hour.

3. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees Celsius. Place the marinated chicken into a ceramic dish and bake for 12 minutes till cooked through. Keep warm and set aside.
For dressing:
1. In a bowl combine the lemon juice, oil and seasoning mix.

2. Grind the salt, pepper and cardamom in a mortar and pestle to a fine powder.

3. Mix the seasoning mixture with the lemon and oil.
The salad:
1. Toss coriander leaves, mixed salad leaves, mango and Roma tomatoes.

2. Dress the salad with the dressing and place the chicken on top of the salad to serve.

3. Sprinkle the salad with black cumin seeds.


(image by

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I’m sure its no surprise that drinking water is one of the most crucial factors when exercising. The body loses many fluids when exercising and dehydration is often most definitely to occur.

Dehydration can cause increased heart rate, increased lactate acid in muscles, increased body temperature, decreased strength and even medical conditions including heat exhaustion, heat stroke and heat cramping.

It’s easy to avoid these problems during exercise and the solution is to drink plenty of fluids. Water is great but it can not replace the vital minerals lost during exercise. Sweating releases potassium, sodium and calcium also known as electrolytes and can be found in supplement sporting drinks “Gatorade” or “mineral water” and should be taken before and during any strenuous exercise.

When thinking bout something to boost your energy in a workout, Caffeine should really be avoided. Caffeine products increase urine output making you want to go to the toilet more often, therefore you lose more fluid, and fluid loss is what you ear trying to avoid. Alcohol is another thing you may want to avoid before working out and I’m talking the night before or even 24 hours before a workout. Alcohol again increases your urine output which again makes you lose fluids.

So for all you dummies that think water is for softies think again because you may be making a big mistake when you starve your body system of vital fluids.

(image by


Wow this soccer blog is great. Soccer is a beautiful game and I really like watching the big world cup events and English premier league games. If I had to pick my favorite team I would have to go with Chelsea as I like Michael Ession but I really find those players to be gods of the game. As I said earlier in another blog entry of mine, I really appreciate the effort and determination put into the making of a professional athlete and I think Soccer is a major example of that especially those playing in England and Spain. I love the movie “Goal”. It’s a movie about a young soccer player’s life on and off the field. It’s just exiting to see how those multi-millionaires live when you’re not watching them perform on T.V. I really think these players get a bit too much money though like who needs 1-mill a week “David Beckham”, It’s just a bit ridiculous don’t you think but its good entertainment. I would really like to go watch one of those matches in England or Spain to see the atmosphere of the game. I’ve heard it can get real intense and even violent at times.
This blog was a fun read, as it took me through step by step of historical soccer matches. I really wish someone could do a basketball blog lol now that would be a really fun read and I would probably have a few corrections to make haha.

Good job


I really like Mitchells blog on Cricket. Anything to do with sports gets my attention even though I’m not a major fan of the game of Cricket, I think it’s an enjoyable game. I'm a big basketball fan as I have played the sport at a state level representing N.S.W twice. When talking about sports on a professional level I really appreciate the effort and discipline put into reaching the pros. Not to mention the skills that is attained from day to day mastering. As a basketball player I really know how much it would take if you were to be playing in the same league with big timer ballers like Kobe Bryant, Steve Nash and LeBron James, and I would have say its extremely tough. As far as Cricket goes I'm not really sure what it takes to get to the pro levels but I’m sure it is allot of hard work as I have friends that play the game and they train a lot to reach there dream goals. I'm aware of players, Brett Lee and Shane Warne and by the looks of it they really would have put the hard work in to get were they are today. To be honest I don’t know for sure what country really has the most talented Cricket players but I’m sure India has some of the best from what I’ve heard.

This blog is was a good read and taught me a lot about the game and history of Cricket.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Plan a far away, long distance run

Sign up for a distant race at least 500 km away. Something that will be a once in a lifetime opportunity. This way you’ve got more to motivate you. The extra incentive of paying the airfare will add to your motivation and have you shedding those kilos before you leave guaranteed.

Make a "Friendly" Bet

Challenge your work mates, family, friends whoever, it will add to your competitive instincts. If there’s money up for grabs trust me, you will be sure to jump on that treadmill for it. That is unless you’re a bill gates character but com’ on we all need a couple extra dollars and most of us can do without a few kilos too, so why not.

Tie Exercise to Your Health

Make S.M.A.R.T goals to improve your health for example lower your LDL cholesterol by 20 points and increase your HDL cholesterol by 5 points in the next 6 months. But there’s one thing to remember always make your goals S.M.A.R.T. Smart goals make your goals reachable. I can guarantee you if you set your smart goals properly your goals will definitely be reached.

S- pecific
M- easurble
A- ttainable
R- ealistic
T- imely


Start playing a sport that requires high level of overall physical fitness. Ones I can recommend are sports such as Soccer, Rowing, Basketball, and Rugby just find something you are passionate about, Sports you and your friends can join and have a good time playing. But don’t just play the sport to be a regular Joe on the pitch. Play to excel in the team or the league you play in. This is a motivation tip that all professional athletes pick up at a young age and that’s there pros.

Think About Fat

Your body is burning fat and storing it simultaneously, but it's always doing one faster than the other. Understanding that you're getting either fatter or leaner at any one time will keep you body-conscious so you won't overeat or under exercise.

Plan Your Workouts in Advance

Start planning your workouts. Whether you will be working arms, legs, chest, just always make sure each workout has a goal. I used to go in the gym with no goal, and my workouts will end up boring and I will end up leaving really early sometimes before I even broke a sweat. When I started planning my workouts there was much more determination to finish and I go home knowing that I’ve done my whole plan and I leave a much, much happier man.


Whenever you’re lazing about watching TV, there’s always someone out there working hard.
Whether it be career wise or fitness wise there’s always someone out there that’s willing to make there dreams a reality.

Why don’t you start becoming one of those people?

Thursday, September 3, 2009


MANY think that a meat free, veggie crazed diet is the healthiest and best way to lose weight..........
Giving up meat does not exactly mean you will lose weight. Sorry to all those hard workers who thought they were on the right track to slimming the waist line. In fact studies have shown that giving up meat makes the average person eat more carbohydrates. Which in return gives you the opposite affect.

Meat and animal products are high in protein and saturated fats. But the word that’s been going round for over a century now is that these saturated fats are considered unhealthy and a cause of diabetes and other diseases. BUT we have to sensible I mean anything we eat has to be taken in proportion Its like saying milk is bad. Milk is definantly not bad, a nice tall glass of milk is full of goodness for our bones and teeth, but if we drink too much you may turn into a Cow, perhaps, ha ha not funny I know, but you get the point. Anyway back on topic. The more research that goes into these fats the more researchers are finding them necessary in maintaining a healthy body.

The worst foods you want to eat when you’re trying to fight the bulge are foods high in sugar, low quality carbohydrates and transfats.


Did you know that more than 60% of Australians have WEIGHT LOSS as their new year’s resolution? Makes you think doesn’t it?

NOTE: You aren’t great from starting a weight loss regime. You’re only great if you….






Friday, August 28, 2009


Swimming can be one of my favorite things to do in the hot summer weather. I prefer pools to beaches but many disagree. I’ve been to many over my 20 years on earth, and ill just say I’ve got my favorites and my least favorites. Growing up in both N.S.W and Victoria I have been too world famous beaches, including Coogee, Bondi, Bells and St Kilda, as well as an endless amount of public and in home pools, and all have provided entertainment for me at one moment or other in my life. Swimming is great and not only does it offer entertainment value but it’s a great fitness source much like running, rowing, and even Gym, which brings me to the main point of this entry.

Ever watched an Olympic swimmer about to dive of their bored and race to the finish line? Ever wondered how they get those slim, trim, broad, amazing bodies? The answer is simply just “swimming”, and yes I know they probably do a tonne of other exercises, but the foundation of those amazing bodies is just swimming. Yep that’s right and you could achieve the same results if you swim on a regular basis. Although maybe not the same level of cardiovascular fitness or the exact same muscle tone as an Olympic swimmer, but you too can have an amazing body much like the ones you see on T.V. Running is a very effective way to burn calories and achieve great muscle tone but there has always been the side effect of strain on the joints especially when running on hard surfaces. Swimming burns calories and gives you great muscle tone without the terrible strain on your joints. Swimming Increases stamina, Improves flexibility, Increases muscular strength, and can heal muscles in a fast and effective way. Swimming also strengthens your heart which prevents heart disease and leads to an overall better quality life.

So if you find yourself trying to gain or maintain a fantastic looking, strong body. Try incorporating some swimming exercises into your workouts because they will have benefits that will take your body to another level.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Its no suprise eating healthy has a reputation for being tasteless and boring. Boring salads and steamed, dry flavorless cuts of meat can end up being almost as if you'r eating cardboard but eating healthy does'nt have to be dull and boring or burn a hole in your pocket. Heres a recipe that is sure to flip your tastebuds into action and will help you maintain that healthy diet that your looking for.

4 salmon fillets
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon minced fresh rosemary leaves
8 lemon slices (about 2 lemons)
1/4 cup lemon juice (about 1 lemon)
1/2 cup Marsala wine (or white wine)
4 teaspoons capers
4 pieces of aluminum foil

1. Brush top and bottom of salmon fillets with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, and rosemary.

2. Place each piece of seasoned salmon on a piece of foil large enough to fold over and seal.

3. Top each piece of salmon with 2 lemon slices, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of wine, and 1 teaspoon of caper.
4. Wrap up salmon tightly in the foil packets.

5. Place a grill pan over medium-high heat or preheat a gas or charcoal grill. Place the foil packets on the hot grill.

6. Cook for 10 minutes for a 1-inch thick piece of salmon.
7. Serve in the foil packets with a side of salad or brown rice).

Monday, August 17, 2009


Physicians in the US recommend we spend a 3rd of our time snoozing for optimal health but not every ones the same. They say its all up to the individual even though an average adult should be getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night, some individuals can function normally on only 6 while others need at least 8 hours.
There's been many studies out there about sleep and how vital sleep is to the human body. Some studies have even proven that restless sleepers are most likely to eat fast food, you wanna know why? People who don't get a good nights rest simply don't feel like cooking healthy nutritious meals and are more likely to crave fatty fast foods.
But just as you restless sleepers think there's no cure to your sleepless nights, here's a few pointers that are sure to help you have that deep, refreshing good nights sleep that you deserve.

TAKE THE TV OUT OF THE BEDROOM: Studies show that the stimulating content and extra light can keep you awake long after you should be fast asleep. A bit like your mind acting hyperactive before deciding to sit down and relax.

EARLY MORNING WORKOUTS: Working out in the morning makes your body more likely to fall asleep allot easier and more peaceful, simply because it makes you more tired before bed so that you don't have all that extra energy when its time switch off for the day.

CUT THE CAFFEINE: No doubt about it and allot of you have probably heard this one before and I'm here to tell you again because it may be a big mistake when you got that early morning meeting to wake up to. Did you know the effects of caffeine can last up to 8 hours to wear off. So if your drinking a nice cup of coffee on your late afternoons while watching the 5:00 pm news i suggest you cut that habit and keep the caffeine for the morning you will sleep allot better i guarantee it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Hello and welcome to my blog. Its No doubt the more time goes on the more people become obsessed with the way they look. Everybody knows the way you eat and how dedicated you are to putting the right things into your body determines everything from what you look like, to what you feel like because face it, and I’m sure you have heard this phrase before "you are what you eat".
The management of your Health, Fitness and well being can determine how happy or sad you are, how good you look and feel aswell as how strong or weak your body is. Its all a sense of what you put in, is what you get out and by saying that I mean the more you make an effort to take care of yourself the more joy you will get out of life, and that’s why I have done this blog on health, fitness and the well being of the human body. In this blog you will find out interesting facts and tips about lots of different parts of the health, fitness and well being of the human body.